Saturday, June 21, 2008

This article, "Searching For Marita" is about a woman, Susana Trimarco of Argentina who set out to find her missing daughter. Instead she discovered a shadowy world of human trafficking and forced prostitution. Her daughter, Maria de los Ángeles Verón had been missing since April 3, 2002.

Reading this article arouses mixed emotions in me, that of anger and admiration for Susana Trimarco. I think that she is a very brave woman and a very good mother. Looking at how determined Susana is to find her daughter, I find that her daughter is very fortunate to have such a good mother like her. I am not saying that my mother is bad but it is just that not all mothers will do what Susana did.

It is rather surprising that even now, in this modern society, things like forced prostitution and human trafficking still exist. The reason behind all these hideous crimes is believe is because of those dirty old 'tek ko peks' who often patronise brothels. If they do not patronise brothels, brothels whold not have existed and therefore, prostitution will be wiped out. Even if there is brothels, woman should not be forced into them. This action is inhumane and barbaric.

However, the senario of prostitution being wiped out is rather impossible as nowadays, many girls, including well-educated ones, think that there is nothing wrong in resorting to prostitution to satisfy their materialistic cravings. I do feel sad for some of these girls as they betrayed their body just to get money for their materialistic cravings.

On the other hand, Susana exemplies bravery and initiative in helping those kidnapped young prostitutes. She opened the Fundacion Maria do los Angeles Por la Lucha Contra la Trata de Personas in Tucuman and Buenos Aires in October to help victims of sex trafficking to get medical and psychological treatment besides providing food and shelter for such victims.

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