Sunday, June 15, 2008

June Edition- A Healing Fire

The Story

This article features the life of a man, Sokreaksa Himm. He led a very happy childhood with 11 other siblings, in a small village in Cambodia. However all that ended when he was 11. The Khmer Rouge came into power on April the 17 1975, their reign had turned the whole country into a terror state. Many were driven from their homes and sent to work at labour camps including Sokreaksa and his family themselves. Over the years, the family was subjected to constant beatings and torture. Just when it could not get any worse, what termed as a "Doomsday" caught up with the family.

It was a November morning in 1977. Sokreaksa father was arrested by the a Khmer rouge agent, known as a chlop. Together with those of his family members living with him, including the author himself, they were all sent for execution as they were suspected of having conspired with the Americans, as being enemies of the Khmer rouge. They were then driven by ox carts to the execution field, the exception was his three other brothers and older sister. His father was the first to be killed. Following that, the children were hit from behind and they all fell into the grave. They were then finished off but the author survived. His mother was later executed after he escaped; he wanted to try to save her but somehow could not do so.

He was then welcomed by the villagers when he returned instead of getting the cold shoulder from them as he was previously accused of being a rebel towards them, he was then known as the ”only lucky one”. Soon later when the Khmer Rouge were driven from power, he went to live with his sister. He later joined the police force as he wanted to avenge his family members. One chance came by but he failed, filled with misery and guilt, he fled to a Thai refugee camp to listen to the Christian meetings, however he was not inspired by them and soon later, he migrated to Toronto, Canada. He got his bachelor and master’s degree there. He too made a good friend known as Chuck Ferguson. Chuck led him to God, told him more about God and also gave him a bible, praying for him so that God could bring healing to him. Soon he settled down well enough and even opened a cleaning company, which was pretty successful.

However despite all that he still was filled with such emptiness, everyday he dreamt of torturing his killers. Fortunately, over time, God managed to touch him and deliver him from all these evil doings. A chance came along and it was a request for Christian teachings in Cambodia. Sokreaksa took the chance and went to bring healing to the people there. His other objective was to meet the killers of his family and forgive them. Finally he managed to bring himself to forgive those killers and after which, he was filled with such freedom as if a heavy load was taken off him, God had finally healed him completely.


The first thought which came into my mind after reading the story was simply: “Wow, just how this man did did it.” I’m a Christian myself however I’m really, really amazed by his actions, how could one man be so strong in spirit as to forgive the people whom wiped out his entire family, especially his parents. I would not be that strong.

On the other hand, I am just simply glad that the Lord, Jesus has healed him and delivered him away from that entire evil works. I feel that it was rather of a blessing that he could not bring himself to kill the people whom brutally murdered him family members. If he did that, he would probably be in a prison now and not sharing his story with Reader’s Digest. His whole life would be ruined. Overall, I am so glad that he could be miraculously touched by God and that God could perform such a miracle on him, Simply Amazing!

Nonetheless, I indeed feel a deep sense of sadness for both Sokreaksa and his family members who perished under the hands of the Chlops. They died so wrongfully, they were executed for just merely accused of being an enemy of the Khmer Rouge. One perfect family could be just brutally wiped out in just mere hours, their wonderful lives ended, everything ended. Hence every time when I read about these people from these Third world countries, I would always give thanks to God for putting me in a place like Singapore, in the right time. Where in this era, our country has such fair justice and an efficient law system, hence I am glad to be a Singaporean.

Also from Sokreaksa, I have indeed learnt some precious lessons. Firstly, I should really treasure my life, where I am right now. I should stop whining about Singapore’s scorching heat and much rather appreciate the kind of safety the government had provided us. Secondly, I must really learnt to forgive others, if Sokreaksa can forgive his family murderers, why can’t I simply forgive my friends after an argument. I feel that I should really learn to get closer to God and appreciate life more, treasure my loved ones as life is fragile, which are none other than my family members.

1 comment:

Khmerhengsoy said...

thank you for posting my story. Have you ever read the book the tears of my soul and after the heavy rain? If not, you should get these books to read. Reaksa