Saturday, June 14, 2008

The rise of cyber bullying

As technology is becoming more advanced, there is no doubt that internet usage would increase as more youngsters would want to keep up with the times lest they are neglected by their friends and being seen as somebody who only knows nothing but study. But as internet usage increases, it also means that cases of cyber bullying would increase too.
Most of the consequences leading to cyber bullying are bad, where some victims of cyber bullying have even committed suicide because of the continuous harrassment their peers are giving them. What can these people get from bullying poor and innocent people online? How will they feel if they were the ones being bullied instead? Fancy putting up videos on net that would embarrass their friends or classmates is deemed as a childish and harrassing way to invade other peoples' privacy. Imagine what the child would be facing every time he or she steps into the school. Nobody would like the feeling of being pointed at by hundreds of fingers or teased and laughed by their schoolmates. What tempts these bullies to find their way of bullying people online is due to the advantage that they would not be discovered compared to playground bullying. They can bully their victims in whatever way they want to and see them suffer without being caught. therefore, i urge that immediate action be taken to reduce such tragedies from happening.
Firstly, as a teenager, he or she must learn to exercise self control. They should know what website they should not be entering so as not to give cyber bullies a chance to attack them. It is unecessary for them to talk to strangers online as they may never know the people they are interacting with online could be their enemies with a motive to embarrass them and make their lifes miserable.
Secondly, parents should take a part in helping their childeren cope with school problems and understand what they are going through in school. They should spend some time with their children and hear the problems their children have to say. they can also try to consult their chidren's school teacher for information on how their child is doing in school. Parents should also monitor the websites their children are surfing and block out those undesirable websites which may bring about harm and bad influence for their children.
Teachers can also keep a lookout for any students who seem to be having problems with school life and monitor how the student is being treated by their classmates. The school should take action if any of their students are leaking out any undesirable information on the web of their schoolmates and punish them if there is a need to. Websites that offers people to disclose any personal contents should be banned as these may give rise to more cyber bullying cases.
One should know not to disclose any of his or her personal information on web and they should learn to be more forgiving and ignore insults.Their classmates are saying it deliberately to make them fell uncomforatable. Try to keep yourself occupied and ignore what others are saying about you. It wil not do anyone good if the insults are taken seriously. It would only make you feel worse.

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