Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Rise of Cyber Bullying

Over the years, technology has improved greatly. The Internet have made things alot more convenient and has also benefited us in many ways, but it has brought us more harm than good. Cyber bullying is one example, cyber-bullies are making use of information and communication technologies to harm others intentionally.

Most of the consequences leading to cyber bullying are bad, with some victims going to the length of commiting sucide due to the continuous harrasments of their peers. In my opinion, cyber bullying is a scandalous act and should not have been present. Cyber bullying not only hurts the victim deeply but also leaves a permanent scar in them, together with all the negative memories.

As it is hard to identify bullies through internet, they would have the mentality that no matter what they do, they would not be exposed. This had give cyber bullies better conditions and confidence to bully their victims much harsher than the conventional way.

One possible advantage for victims of cyber-bullying over traditional bullying is that they may sometimes be able to avoid it simply by avoiding the site/chat room in question. Unfortunately, this obviously does not protect against all forms of cyber bullying; publishing of defamatory material about a person on the internet is extremely difficult to prevent and once it is posted, millions of people can potentially download it before it is removed.

In conclusion, I hope that cyber bullies would truly know the consequence of their actions and stop their bullying act.

Done by:( Benjamin)

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