Sunday, June 15, 2008

Loose Nukes

As time passes, the advancement in technology increases, so do the rise of terrorism. In this era, advancing technology has brought about nuclear technology, which can create nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are dangerous and cause a lot of damage, even after the explosion.
However, there is this disturbing fact that it is not very hard for terrorist to lay hands on nuclear weapons. Imagine the damage that would be done. Within a fraction of a second, the ground could be heated to 100 million degrees centigrade, melting all surrounding matter into formless plasma.
This is not an opinion but a fact that is backed with concrete evidence. Nuclear weapons can only be made with refined Uranium or enriched Plutonium. Although refining Uranium or enriching Plutonium is difficult and terrorist does not have the technology, there are many other sources.
Some countries like Russia has around 600 tons of weapons-usable nuclear materials spread around its country, guarded by poor security procedures and ramshackle infrastructure. Terrorists can easily steal some of the materials to create their own nuclear weapons. There are also research reactors, all around the world, which contains nuclear materials. These places are also located in places not conductive to high security, such as schools. These can also become targets of terrorist to obtain nuclear materials.
Although there are measures taken to an international extent, there are still some countries such as Iran which are reluctant to cooperate. It is very worrying to find out that the World is unsafe yet there are countries which are unwilling to help and put themselves in danger. It is just unbelievable that there are such selfish people.
If you balance out the points on both sides yourself, you will find out that there are more possibilities for the terrorist to obtain nuclear materials than the pre-cautions taken to keep the nuclear materials away from the wrong hands. This is something that will make us feel insecure as who knows what will happen if the terrorist obtain nuclear materials and construct their own nuclear weapons.
It is also quite suprising to find out that such an advanced country like Russia still lacks security on some parts. This shows that it is not easy to govern a big country. Thus, it is also hard for us to achieve world peace unless everyone work together and aim for a similar target. It will be just as hard to secure the nuclear materials from the terrorist.
Just as the article state, "With the age of terrorism threatening becoming an age of nuclear terrorism, there would be sacrifices, but none as great as losing a city." We will need to make sacrifices to achieve our targets, and I believe the United Nations will do a good job in securing the nuclear materials and making the right choice of sacrifices. This way, i will feel more reassured and less insecure.

Reader Digest May version Pg 28
Lai kunxian (33) 3D

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