Friday, June 13, 2008

Name : Nicole Tan Ming Min (21)Class : 3D

I did not attend the english remedial thus Vanessa has given me permission to use her account to post this entry.

This article is about the loss of a single mother suspected to be sold into prostitution andbeing tracked down by her mother who loved her very much. Marita, the womanmissing, had been abducted by two men who had forced her into their car as reported by an anonymous person. She had not attended her doctor's appointment on that day. It was suspectedthat she had was one of the many girls abducted and forced into prostitution as she had beenseen in a brothel by a young girl. Later, police raided a bar where Marita was suspected tobe held at but she was reportedly whisked off before they had arrived. Ever since herdisappearance, her mother, Susana, had taken matters in her own hands and started adesperate search for her daughter.
Susana would disguise as a prostitute and venture into brothels or bars to see if she wouldbump into her daughter or find out about her. This desperate search for Marita caused herto have financial problems, eventually leading to her selling her house and seperating withher husband which could not stand her obsession. However, she persisted on even with thepolice and the bar owners and traffickers intimidation. Soon, she started lending a ear towomen forced into joining the prostitution trade or had their daughters abducted and stoppedher frantic search for Marita in order to help these people. Her story was covered by the media and she became famous, with more people wanting to talk to her about their stories andshe even had important people praise her efforts. She never did find Marita, but she feltthat she had more important things to do, which were helping and protecting those who havebeen freed.
This story was exceptionally touching and made me feel much compassion and pity for Susana, who obviously loved her daughter a lot. It shows the love a mother feels for her daughter and how strong the love was. Susana could forsake her reputation and her money just to find the mother of her granddaughter and once again hold her daughter in her arms. That is enough to break everybody's hearts. She could give up everything, her husband, her house, just to feel her daughter's touch again. As for Marita's situation, I feel deeply sorry for her. She should not have been one of those abducted to serve as a prostitute. In fact, no girl should be in the trade willingly or unwillingly. The abductors of these young girls are really merciless and cruel to destroy the future that lies in front of these girls.
Marita was merely 23 years old when she was abducted. She still had a bright future lyingahead of her, yet she was robbed of that when she was forced into the trade. Although nobody can be sure of whether she had really become a prostitute or whether she was dead, her future was still ruined no matter whichever path she had taken. I feel very sympatheticfor her. Hopefully, she is still alive and will one day return to face her mother who hasbeen pining for her for such a long period of time.
I admire Susana's noble act and I know that it is rare for a vulnerable woman like herself to actually help with others' problems and protect them despite the many threats she had received by both sides of the law. Her advice and protection must have offered many girlsshe had helped a lending shoulder to lean on and to count on. They must have found muchcomfort by allowing her to know all about their problems. She served as a lending ear to them, one that had a similar experience like theirs. This action of Susana's must have helpedmany young women face their lives with the proper attitude, encouraged them and even leadthem in the right course of life.
In conclusion, Susana is a noble woman and her acts should not be threatened or intimidated by as what she is doing is a very admirable action. Her name has been exposed to the publicand in I hope that one day, Marita would return to her side and offer a lending ear to the woman who has been offering others hers and finally be able to rest.

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