Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Reader's Digest Reflection

Theme: Carbon Offsetting. The Myths, The Truth. (pg 98)

This article is about whether giving money to plant trees far away really make up for our life style's environmental impact. During Brisbane's River festival last September, it was announced that 300 trees had been planted outside the city to soak up the estimated 68 tons of greenhouse gases released by the stunt:: dump, burn and offset.
By going online, calculating the emissions from our daily activities and in this particular article, the author went online to find out how much CO2 he was responsible and ended up getting three different answers and prices. It is often impossible to be sure that money invested in carbon offsetting makes the difference that is claimed for it. Trees planted to offset will only reabsorb the CO2 only after decades if it goes well and trees were dying from droughts and do not live forever.
The alternatives they provide in this article is that to invest in green energy projects and countries reducing their reliance on fossil fuels and adopting energy efficiency as a matter of course.
I totally agreed when climate Care's Michael Buick said that ti's better to stop pollution rather than soaking it up later as in this air pollution problem, It would take a short period of time to destroy it than to help it recover. Many governments in developing world worry the probity of letting the rich carry up carbon setting in their countries.
From my personal opinion, i think that to solve this global warming problem, handing over our cash to offset company might not be the best choice.It might also be of no help if the company did not use the money to save the environment.
Firstly, today, people are conducting an inadvertent global experiment by altering the climate of the planet.. we are destroying the ozone layer, which allows life to exist on the earth's surface. all of these activities are unfavourably altering the composition of the biosphere and the earth's heat balance. the people in most countries are doing the right things of reducing the use of fossil fuels and stop destroying the forests. we must reduced the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that we put into the atmosphere.
Climate change will happen all over the world. the world is already experiencing severe heatwaves and super hurricanes. Decreased rainfall in some areas will result in increased rainfall in others. Coastal regions, where half the human population lives, will feel the catastrophic effects of rising sea levels as the ice caps melt under rising temperatures. If the melting continues, large swaths of coastal land would disappear. Scientists have estimated that The Maldives, a group pf low lying islands in Indian Ocean, will disappear in fifty years.
I think that forests and other wildlife habitats might not have enough time to adjust and change the rapidly changing climate. ecological systems can be extinct due to global warming. weeds and pests could permeate much of the landscape. It is becoming more apparent, however, that as man continues to mismanage the earth's resources, the climate could change in such a way that it is no longer beneficial to mankind.
Time is running out and governments, big businesses and individuals must act quickly to tackle this serious problem. The United States and China, two of the biggest polluters in the world, must take the lead in attacking the problem. Besides targeting pollution, laws must also be enacted to combat deforestation as this has severely affected the earth's ability to absorb the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. New and efficient ways of generating energy must be researched so that we can stop our reliance on burning fossil fuels. As for individual, we can all do our part by 'going green' - recycling, taking public transport, using less electricity, and so on.
If we all work together to face this problem, there will be hope of reversing the problem; otherwise, the human being may be in grave danger of destruction and extinction. This article make me realise that we all have to do our part in protecting Earth in the right way and not in some ways that have a possibility of cannot help in this aggrieved problem.
Done by: Luo Wei ting(12)

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